KRGA Newsletter

HDC have withdrawn Rookwood from the Local Plan! 😀👍🍾🎂🍾👍😀 .

To everyone who wrote letters to the press or politicians - THANK YOU! 😀
To everyone who delivered leaflets - THANK YOU! 😀
To the 12,000 people who signed the Rookwood petition - THANK YOU! 😀
To the 1,600 people who responded to our survey - THANK YOU! 😀
To Parish and Neighbourhood Councillors who supported us - THANK YOU! 😀
To District and County Councillors who supported us - THANK YOU! 😀
To all who came to our BioBlitz or reported Rookwood wildlife sightings - THANK YOU! 😀
To everyone who hosted banners and posters - THANK YOU! 😀
To the young-ones who created beautiful drawings - THANK YOU! 😀
To those who made videos and took photographs - THANK YOU! 😀
To everyone whos signed up for our newsletter - THANK YOU! 😀
To everyone who followed us on Facebook and Twitter - THANK YOU! 😀
To everyone who freely gave their time, energy and commitment - THANK YOU! 😀
To Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Friends of Warnham Nature Reserve - THANK YOU! 😀
To the Friends of Chesworth Farm and the Friends of Horsham Park - THANK YOU! 😀
To the Horsham District Older Peoples Forum - THANK YOU! 😀
To the Rookwood Seniors - THANK YOU! 😀
To the Horsham Society and Transition Horsham  - THANK YOU! 😀
To HDC, for listening - THANK YOU! 😀

The vital first stage of our campaign to protect Rookwood is now complete, but Rookwood is not yet fully safe. HDC have offered to consult widely and we must now press them to start this in a quick and meaningful way.

Our Complaint to Horsham District Council

We received a response from HDC that we don't consider addresses the points we made and have requested a "Stage 2 Review", which should complete at the beginning of August. If we remain unsatisfied with the Council's response, we will have exhausted HDC's complaint procedure and will be free to refer the complaint to the Local Council Ombudsman.

HDC's Overview and Scrutiny Committee discussed our complaint at their 19th July meeting. You can listen to their discussion by selecting item "7 Rookwood Stage 1 Complaint" in the playback bar on the committee meeting agenda page, as shown below. Please be aware that some contributions are missing due to technical issues in the meeting.

Best wishes, The Keep Rookwood Green Team

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Delay announced to Plan


Rookwood development plans pulled by council