Rookwood development plans pulled by council

After weeks of delays Horsham District Council have today announced it is no longer considering Rookwood for development in the Local Plan at this time.

Whilst we are overjoyed that HDC appear to have listened to the views of the town, we note the site remains under scrutiny as a potential selection for future development.

In a statement given today to the West Sussex County Times by Tony Hogben, HDC Deputy Leader, Mr Hogben said “It is vital that we engage with local groups and find out how we can best use the council owned land at Rookwood. We are committed to listening and engaging over the next two years before making any longer term commitments on the future of Rookwood.”

You can read the full article WSCT here together with follow up responses from Horsham Society, KRGA and Martin Boffey, Lib Dem Councillor for Trafalgar Ward, here.

KRGA hope to now work closely with HDC and the community to secure the long-term protection of the golf course and Rookwood’s natural green space.

To everyone who has supported the campaign to Keep Rookwood Green - to all those who walk there every day, to the neighbours of Rookwood, the golfing community, Horsham Society, many local community groups and local councillors who have been against the decision from the start, we cannot thank you enough. It is clear that the strength of feeling from the people of Horsham are the reason HDC has taken notice and made the decision to withdraw Rookwood at this time.

Let’s continue to fight to Keep Rookwood Green.


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