Keep Rookwood Green

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Rookwood - Now recognised as an Asset of Community Value

Earlier in 2021, KRGA started collating evidence and preparing a lengthy and detailed nomination document for Rookwood Golf Course to be considered as an Asset of Community Value status. This was submitted by Horsham Society on our behalf to Horsham District Council (HDC) on 16 April 2021.

According to HDC, the criteria required to be given this status are:

To be listed as an Asset of Community Value, a piece of land or building must be nominated by an organisation with a local connection, and meet certain legal criteria.

A building or piece of land is deemed to have community value if:

  • The use of the land or building currently, or in the recent past, furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. This includes cultural, recreational or sporting interests

  • The use of the building or land will continue to further the social wellbeing or interests of the local community

  • Meeting the interests of the community must be the principle purpose of the land or building

The evidence collected included the findings from our survey, completed by over 1600 town residents, in which they describe the value of Rookwood to them and the many letters that have appeared in the West Sussex County Times over the past year.

We are delighted that the application for Rookwood to be listed as an Asset of Community Value, has been accepted. It is a clear recognition of the importance of the site and is something that HDC and its councillors will need to take into account when making their decision about what is to be included in the Local Plan. 

It’s important to note, however, that the registration of the site does not safeguard its future and therefore we all need to continue to work hard to make our Councillors take notice that Rookwood is an asset of huge value, not just to golfers but to town residents too.  

The official decision notice states that in particular it serves as a hub for golfers and others in the community.  The decision notice also recognised that there would be community use of Rookwood over the next five years furthering the social interests and wellbeing of the community.

Visit our latest news page for more, or to read the article featured on the WSCT website click here.