Current Status

The next step in the Local Plan process is for HDC to publish its “Regulation 19” document, which is it’s response to the Regulation 18 consultation in February / March 2020 where it incorporates changes based on feedback or new information. This document will be what HDC considers should become the Horsham District Local Plan.

At present we understand that publication of the Regulation 19 document is waiting for responses from some statutory authorities, whose feedback must be reflected in the plan. When the document is finalised to will initially go to HDC Cabinet for signoff and then to full Council for its signoff.

We understand that councillors will not be able to challenge individual elements of the plan, they will simply be asked to accept or reject the plan as a whole.

After Council approval, a government appointed inspector will hold a public examination of the plan at which members of the public may make representation. The Inspector’s role is to examine whether the submitted plan meets the tests of soundness defined in the NPPF [1] and meets all the relevant legislative requirements, including the duty to co-operate.

[1]  The tests of soundness are that the plan is positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.  See paragraph 35 of the NPPF.


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