Save Rookwood from Development
750 homes proposed by Horsham District Council
Our mission: To protect all of Rookwood and keep it as healthy green space!
We can change the Council’s mind!
You can make a difference today by phoning or writing to your Local Councillors.
Protecting our Amenities
Rookwood is a well used pay and play golf course, popular with walkers and nature lovers.
Rookwood is a precious community asset that generates an income for the Council.
Why is the Council selling it at half price?
Protecting our Green Space
Warnham Nature Reserve and Rookwood are a 32 year old ecosystem. How will urbanising improve on that?
Selling Rookwood is the start of a slippery slope to selling all community green spaces.
HDC’s approach is out of step with residents' wishes.
Building on green space is out of date thinking!" - Adur and Worthing authority understand this.
Protecting our Community
Horsham town is united against this proposal - all neighbourhood councils oppose it.
Urbanising Rookwood destroys up to 33% of Horsham Town’s large green space.
Our densely populated community needs its green lungs and space for wellbeing
HDC should “level Up” development across the district!
Who decides?
The Rookwood land is owned by Horsham District Council and consequently the council is:
The developer who is proposing to build on Rookwood
The planning authority that assesses the proposal and advises Councillors
The political decision maker that determines whether the site will remain in the Local Plan
The financial beneficiary of the sale of the land